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Kickstart Yoga

Bob Wagner | Published on 4/2/2021

Yoga Space Logo
The Yoga Space has been helping people learn yoga for over 20 years. Our yoga helps people find balance in their lives and has proven especially helpful this last year. Both long time students and many who had found their lives too busy in recent years turned gratefully to the virtual platform.  Here they found community and quiet away from the stress of learning to cope with all the changes, the “zoom fatigue” and stress and loneliness of being isolated. People were happy and eager to join a class and get away from things and “into themselves”, to relax, and to focus.  Yoga offers unique ways to move one’s body that relieves the fatigue and tightness of sitting in front of a computer, or dealing with grumpy kids, or just that overall feeling of being cooped up inside all the time. Even though the teacher was watching via a camera she was able to see students well enough to make individual suggestions so people found classes to be even more vital at helping them tailor the practice to their particular circumstance. It is a tremendous convenience to just be able to open a mat on your living room floor to join a yoga class and be part of relaxed group you don’t need to impress or impart information to; you simply respond and let go.

What our students say:

“Yoga is life giving for me”

“The teachers always know just what to do to help me progress”

“Yoga has enabled me to improve my posture dramatically for the better”

“Yoga has improved my ability to still my mind"


Kickstart Yoga

A 3 week ’Try Yoga’ series

Increase your energy

Increase your flexibility and/or strength

Calm and focus your mind

Improve your breathing


For anyone interested in moving and learning about themselves.

All you need is a mat (don’t need flexibility!)

Register at  

Purchase a Kickstart Pass then register for the Tuesday 5:30 class  April 20

Try it out for yourself in the NEW 3 week KICKSTART YOGA beginning Tuesday, April 20. 5:30 - 6:45 pm $30.


Other information about Iyengar Yoga:

  • Helps you find balance in your life:
    • Strength vs. Flexibility
    • Agitation vs. Sluggishness
    • Energy vs. Inertia
    • Distraction vs. Attention
  • Teachers are well trained and Certified 
  • They help individual students not just teach generic classes
  • Yoga poses can be modified to help with individual problems
  • Yoga is progressive, you keep learning new things
  • Yoga is entertaining and enlightening
  • Yoga takes time, its not a quick fix although you may feel different quickly

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180 Little Lake Dr #1
Ann Arbor, MI 48103