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Date: 12/22/2024
Subject: WBA - Early Renewal and New Member Benefits in 2024!
From: Wastenaw Business Association

Early Renewal or New Membership Benefits!



Networking Events

  • After Hours - Monthly networking opportunities for WBA Members and non-members ($10 charge for non-members).

  • Morning Mingle - Monthly gatherings for coffee and conversation.

  • WBA Quarterly Meetings - Join us for the quarterlies, featuring a delicious professional lunch buffet and engaging speakers three times a year. Quarterly meetings are free for members. Stay informed, connected, and enjoy great food while engaging with our vibrant community.

  • A2Y and Dexter Chambers - Attend A2Y and Dexter Chamber events at member pricing.
    Reciprocal chamber members (non-WBA members) must pay the current WBA Guest Fees to attend WBA Premium events if Guest Fees are collected (e.g., Quarterly Meetings, After-Hours or Casino Night, etc.). However, Guest Fees may not apply to certain "Open" events where attendees cover their own food, beverage, or entertainment costs (e.g., WBA Morning Mingles, etc.).

  • Annual Events - Casino Night, Membership Drive, and others as we dream them up!

Marketing Opportunities

  • Event posting - Contact our events committee and have your event highlighted on the WBA webpage.

  • Meeting Sponsorship - Promote your business at a WBA meeting with a short presentation.

  • Spotlight/Blog - With membership you are offered an opportunity to spotlight your business/organization via website and newsletter, and write a blog.

  • Facebook and LinkedIn - Post a comment, picture, or info about your business - Washtenaw Business Association (WBA).

  • Involvement - Take the first step by joining a WBA committee or running for a board position! We're a friendly, easy-going group, and it's a great opportunity to develop leadership and professional relationship-building skills. Develop stronger relationships with others. Not only will you support the WBA and its members, but you'll also boost your own confidence!

Renew or Join...

When you renew (or start) your WBA membership early (by December 31, 2024), you'll still be able to renew at the current 2024 rates. Due to unforeseen increasing operating costs, the 2025 membership fees will be as follows...

Membership Cost
  • Membership - $130 per year (2024, includes 1 person).

    Membership will increase to $160 in 2025.

  • Corporate Membership - $200 per year (2024, includes 2 people).

    Corporate Membership will increase to $260 in 2025.

  • Non-Profit Membership - $80 per year (2024).

    Non-Profit Membership will increase to $100 in 2025.

Renew Early (Instructions):

 Log into your WWBA.BIZ account, click on "PROFILE" next to your name at the top-right side of the page. Then in the 1st box near the bottom right-side, click on the "...Renew Early..." link.

Join WBA:

New Member Signup:

Dexter Chamber Events

Washtenaw Business Association
P.O. Box 2801
Ann ArborMI  48106

(734) 436-1080